How Wizards of Waverly Place's Dan Benson Made the Leap From Disney Star to Adult Entertainer

Dan Benson was embarrassed when his bare pics were released on the web — however at that point an unbelievable 

He talked only to about capitalizing on a terrible encounter and flourishing in the NSFW space.

At the point when previous Wizards of Waverly Spot entertainer Dan Benson figured out that personal photographs

he assumed he shipped off a lady he met on a dating application had really been sprinkled all around the Web,

he was both very humiliated and almost certain he planned to get terminated.

Fortunately, his manager at the time was extremely understanding and he stayed utilized, however "it was humiliating,

" the 35-year-old, who played charmingly silly Zeke on the hit Disney Station series

in a select meeting. "It was totally astonishing." Yet he wouldn't be where he is currently — piling up memberships

on OnlyFans and having a great time making NSFW content — on the off chance that situation hadn't transpired as they did.

"I wouldn't change any of the horrendous things that happened to me," Benson noted, "in light of the fact 

Which isn't to say, he underlined, that his choice to incline toward grown-up amusement was a simple one.

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