John Legend Unveils First Family Portrait With Chrissy Teigen and Their 3 Kids

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend composed with their children — child Miles and girls Luna and Esti in pinks and red

for their most memorable representation as a group of five. Investigate. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen were feeling greater love this Valentine's Day.

Having invited child young lady Esti Maxine simply last month, the couple — who are likewise guardians to girl Luna Simone, 6,

furthermore, child Miles Theodore, 4 — rang in the heartfelt occasion as a group of five. To check the event,

"Every last bit of Me" vocalist and the Desires cookbook got spruced up for a sweet preview with their three children.

As found in the photograph, shared by John on Feb. 15, Chrissy was decked in head-to-toe pink as she held the family's most youthful part

in her arms. In the mean time, little Luna and Miles both shook tints of red to match their father's dazzling blood red top.

John subtitled the family picture close by five heart emoticons, "I had the best Valentine's dates the previous evening."

Chrissy likewise shared a comparable photograph, however she kidded in the subtitle, "excuse the let out!! we are doing all that can be expected here haha."

The Chrissy's Court star and the Grammy victor invited Esti on Jan. 13. However Luna and Miles were

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