Jon and Kate Gosselin's Daughter Mady Slams Narrative That She and Siblings Are "Crazy Child Stars"

Jon and Kate Gosselin's girl Mady Gosselin applauded back on TikTok after remarks about her family surfaced: "It is sending me past the brink."

Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin's 22-year-old girl took to online entertainment to voice disappointments over bogus stories

being spread about her family, who shot to distinction as little children on the tender loving care reality series Jon and Kate In addition to 8.

"This is the particular time I will address this since it is sending me past the brink," The 22-year-old finished up her message requesting that supporters pick thoughtfulness.

Mady started in her Feb. 4 TikTok video. "The manner of speaking in so many of my remarks about youth injury and mending

She made sense of that the internet based babble can be incredibly unsafe as her and her seven kin — Cara, 22 and 18-year-old sextuplets,

Aaden, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Hannah, and Leah — are growing up and exploring the world. my life, my folks, whatever isn't your business."

Mady proceeded, "Similarly as with each and every individual in the whole world, anything you desire to say regarding my loved ones,

it isn't any other individual's business what they are managing away from public scrutiny [and] on the off chance that they don't maintain that it should be your business."

She added, "Propagating the story that we are harmed or that we are insane kid stars or anything you desire to say is very hurtful

as myself and my kin are going out into the world and will be working citizenry with vocations." "Dignity and graciousness ought to in any case exist.

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