Olivia Wilde called A$AP Rocky ‘hot’ and got roasted for it

Olivia Wilde is making sense of why she posted about Rihanna's accomplice, A$AP Rough,

The "Don't Stress Dear" chief and entertainer shared on the Instagram stories piece of her confirmed record

a video from Drifter that showed A$AP Rough joyously recording Rihanna's exhibition Sunday during the major event.

The rapper and the vocalist have a child together, who was brought into the world in May 2022,

furthermore, Rihanna uncovered she his expecting again during her halftime show.

Wilde labeled the couple in her post, stating, "Assuming I thought he was hot previously, this truly put me past the brink."

That didn't turn out well with some who remarked on her post that Wilde was being improper

furthermore "thirsting" for another lady's man. with respect to the vocalist's Super Bowl halftime execution.

The first post planned out, yet Wilde reshared the video Monday with a clarification.

"For anybody who got it contorted [eye roll emoji] … it's hot to regard your accomplice," she composed.

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