Super Bowl LVII: Who scored and who fumbled on TV’s biggest stage

Enormous VIPs, yet frequently, not-entirely ideal advertisements. The Super Bowl presents an imposing test to publicists,

attempting to legitimize the goliath sticker price for 30-second spots (as much as $7 million each, per Assortment,

for advertisements among the opening shot and the last firearm) by concocting efforts that vibe as large as the game.

This year, the scales tipped vigorously toward big name ability - in a few cases,

put together in garbled bundles - in ads that were clearly yet much of the time didn't appear to be legit.

First of all, it helps when the ability has a coherent association with the result of some sort, or possibly figures

into the imaginative such that propels that message. Being charming for the good of its own can be fine, yet entirely it's sometimes especially vital.

Utilizing that rationale, bravo to Rakuten, a shopping site, for enrolling Alicia Silverstone to repeat her "Confused" job

as the shopping-fixated Cher, which she slid into like an old tuition based school uniform;

disapproval to a VIP studded spot for Michelob Ultra highlighting Serena Williams, Brian Cox

a large group of others in an odd recognition for "Caddyshack." Of course, the current year's yield of lager promotions were generally level,

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