Team Fluff wins 2023 Puppy Bowl

Group Cushion has brought back home the sought after "Lombarky" prize in the 2023 Pup Bowl, winning 87-83 over Group Ruff.

Vivianne, a bulldog blend from southern Colorado, scored the game's last score

in the wake of taking a cute green turtle toy into the end zone. Group Cushion is beating the competition consistently:

"Ruff-eree" Dan Schachner introduced the prize to Greatness, a thoroughbred corgi from Florida and Group Cushion's commander.

The game highlighted the very first extra time in Doggy Bowl history after Group Ruff recuperated from a 31-guide

More than 100 salvage canines went head to head in the delightful contest, which tries to bring issues to light for salvage associations

what's more, assist the puppies with getting embraced. A portion of the players have proactively been taken on since the show is pretaped,

in any case, the people who are still up for reception are highlighted on Revelation's site.

the nation made that big appearance, including unique visitor "Furianna."

The canines win focuses by hauling bite toys into end zones, with sensational slo-mo cameras catching their paw-a few plays.

The game likewise incorporated a catlike halftime show execution. Salvage kitties from across.

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