Elizabeth Banks knows risk of new movie ‘Cocaine Bear’ could come back and bite her

With her crazy new film "Cocaine Bear," Elizabeth Banks realized she needed "to make something solid and manly."

In another meeting with Assortment distributed on Wednesday, Banks - who coordinated and coproduced

the film about a medication powered bear on a killing frenzy - shared that it was so hard to persuade

"I needed to separate a portion of the folklore around what sorts of films ladies are keen on making," Banks said.

"For some strange explanation, there are still leaders in Hollywood who are as, 'I couldn't say whether ladies can do specialized stuff.'

 There are in a real sense individuals who are like, 'Ladies could do without math.' It simply continues."

She recognized that the new film - which depends on a genuine story from the 1980s

about a medication drop turned out badly that brought about a bear ingesting cocaine - is "a ginormous risk,"

adding that it "could be a profession ender for me." A player in the fear is the dreary film industry execution of unique comedies,

However, Banks is confident that the sheer kookiness of the idea - in addition to the ridiculous frightfulness

part of a cocaine-confused bear destroying individuals - will get individuals in the cinema.

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